
Photo 1
This is just an overall view of the site model. The material my partner, Chris Freeburn, and I used was Screen Board.

Photo 2
The angle of the photo is of the north-western side of the oval and was taken at this angle to capture the view that some of the houses higher on the hill will have of the community centre. The tennis courts are at the bottom of the image and in real life will allow for the buildings behind the tennis courts to see the oval. I found that this was the only other major view apart from the uninterrupted view coming in from the beach.

Photo 3
Shadows in the morning.

Photo 4
Shadows at midday.

Photo 5
Shadows in the afternoon.
Analysis of Sun Path
By viewing the shadows cast by the surrounding buildings of the site, it is evident that there are only 2 buildings that affect sun entering the site. These buildings include the senior citizens club and the large apartment block located right behind the grand stand. Though they will only take effect as of mid to late afternoon.
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