Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Sketchup Animation of Elevator

Ideas and Theme of my Elevator.

I chose the simple shape of a horizontal prism elevator because the meeting space should be a place of secrecy and safety, (enclosed by 4 walls), a place that is comfortable and satisfies the clients needs (specially made high chairs and dining table). It encompasses the use of all three planes as it gradually twists, turns and connects together to become one final piece.


Minh Truong said...

I think that the thought that you have put into the shape and structure of the elevator is well developed, however you might want to think about the way the elevators 1 and 2 move around or within the structure. I'm sure that with further development, the overall scheme will further support the criteria

Minh truong

xu-chao said...

It is interesting to see the movement of the elevator,the path of the elevator more like a journey which take people around the whole space.just my own opinion,if the elevator can move through the inside space,that will be better.