For Enclosure I chose to use a number of lines to represent the wall thickness for each wall in the villa. My tutor also recommended a feature similar to a colour gradient that ran from the top of the drawing down and from the left to the right. Since the drawings are only to be in ink I drew horizontal lines that were representing open and closed spaces.
Closed spaces had these lines close together and the contrary for open spaces. You'll have to see the photo in full size to see these lines.
With Circulation I forgot to read the brief and simply thought that we could represent the pathways that a person would take within this villa. I will have to draw one that involves horizontal and vertical lines only. The darker, more congested pathways are the "highways" and the lighter lines represent the lesser used areas.
This is the final drawing of the Program and the variety of textures represent different areas. I chose to do the drawing in plan view as the building is only one story high and an axonometric would show no extra information about the villa in comparison to a plan.
One last minute change was the rendering of all openings to be dark so that the different areas around them stand out.
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